G20 update – Day 2

Day 2 starts with rain in Toronto.

There was a minor protest yesterday afternoon for people protesting that they had nothing important to protest. Or maybe they were protesting poverty. One guy was busted by a cop on a bike for having some pot.

I counted at least 100 cops on my walk down to Union Station last night and almost as many on my 3 block walk up to King today. I love seeing that show of force: cops from Toronto, Peel Region and York Region every 15-20 feet, two-by-two. For all the uneasiness that I felt seeing those fences last week, I sort of like seeing all those police officers. I haven’t been to Israel  but I imagine this is how the locals feel with all the armed soldiers around. (I may even wear a suit tomorrow, a power tie, a fancy leather briefcase and some sunglasses with a big gold DG on the arm. Those cops are making me feel safe.)

I was a bit disappointed that the regular line returned to my Starbucks in the Exchange Tower. There was no one there yesterday.

A few folks commented that their drives were not as light as yesterday. This could be because of the light rains but I think it is due to the efficient market hypothesis: drivers who took public transportation yesterday and heard how light the drive was, elected to drive in today. Effectively, traffic is reverting to the mean. I predict more traffic and longer lines at Starbucks on Wednesday.

Thursday and Friday: expect tumbleweeds on Bay Street. And with everyone working from home, the Internet will come to a grinding halt. 😉

In the meantime, read about all the people staying out of the city this week.


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